TN Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
The administrative staff of the Division of Health Related Boards supports the Board by issuing licenses to those who meet the requirements of the law and rules.
All members of the Board are appointed by the Governor to serve five (5) year terms. The Board consists of five (5) members. Two (2) nationally certified master alcohol and drug abuse counselors and two (2) nationally certified alcohol and drug abuse counselors currently licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, and one (1) consumer member who is not directly or indirectly engaged in the alcohol and drug abuse profession. The Board meets four (4) times each year to review files for licensure by examination and reciprocity, administer examinations, and endorse training for continuing education hours required for licensure renewal. A quorum of three (3) members is required to conduct business. The meetings are open to the public.
Licensing Board Schedule
The Tennessee Department of Health, Licensing Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, meetings are scheduled to begin at 9:00am and end by 12:00 noon on the dates indicated on the Board's web page.
The Tennessee Association for Addiction Professionals, TAADAC, meets immediately after the licensing board meeting begining formally at 1:00pm. Lunch is served by reservation.
Licensing Board Meetings are held at:
665 Mainstream Drive
Nashville, TN 37243
The TAADAC Meetings are held at:
Midtown Hills Police Precinct, 1443 12th Ave S.
Nashville, TN 37203